Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Look into the Future of Health Care

What is happening and what might happen to Obamacare you ask? CNBC gives us a few ideas and gives us an overview of what is already starting to happen. Republicans have already started to repeal health care because they say it gives too much power to the government and does not decrease costs enough. The democrats argue that the bill will improve care and increase ranks of the uninsured. The bill is inevitably going to be altered and pronounced unconstitutional in some ways, either as a whole or parts.

Courts are also challenge the laws,
A number of states have challenged the constitutionality of the law's requirement that most Americans obtain health insurance or pay a penalty. The rulings have been divided, and the issue is certain to end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Once again, the law will problably not make it to the end without being repealed in some way, shape, or form. I do not want to see the law completely destroyed, as there are obvious problems with our current health care, basically being too expensive for people to have. The future will reveal to us weather the bill completely passes, partly passed, or rewritten by Republicans.
Republicans have yet to put forward a proposal to replace the current law and are not likely to take a comprehensive approach. Instead they most likely would take it step-by-step, starting with limits on medical malpractice lawsuits. They also would push to allow insurers, who are regulated at the state level, to sell policies across state lines. 

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